Totals on Doves are: 74 Dove Boxes delivered to two Agencies in Stamford on Sunday, December 13, 2015 by our Confirmation Class. The Congregation also donated over $400 in Green Dove donations to help support P2P Scholarships and Emergency Funds.
1,000 pound food challenge – 2016
The 1,000 pound food challenge is on!!! During the months of January and February, the FCC Board of Outreach has set a goal to collect 1,000 pounds of food for our local shelters: The Open Door Shelter (Norwalk Emergency Shelter) and Shelter for the Homeless. Please help us reach our goal during these cold months when food is needed most but donations are down! If every family in the Congregation donated 5 lbs. of non-perishables throughout the month of January & February, 2016, we would surpass this goal!
Collection baskets are located on the stage in Parish Hall or you may leave donations near the pulpit in the sanctuary. We welcome your donations of non-perishable food items particularly, hearty soups pasta, pasta sauce, canned vegetables and fruits, peanut butter, tuna fish, rice, beans and the occasional cake mix & icing for special occasions. Watch the Scale in Parish Hall rise as we attempt to meet or surpass this goal. THANK YOU!
Help the Open Door Shelter (Norwalk Emergency Shelter)
We will be cooking on Sunday, January 24th after the service (11:00 am) in the church kitchen, and serving on Monday, January 25th from 11:45 to 2:00 at the Open Door Shelter (4 Merritt Street, Norwalk). Please contact Heather Raker to help at either time. Many hands make light work – very rewarding!
An update on the Red Cross Blood Drive on December, 2015:
We would like to thank the Congregation and surrounding community for the donations to the Red Cross Blood drive held on December 2, 2015 in our own Parish Hall. The Red Cross goal was 18 pints of blood and they actually collected 29 pints, which has been their highest collection to date. The result is 87 potential lives were saved with this collection. WELL DONE!
The Darien House Tour: Homes with Heart
NEED SILENT AUCTION ITEMS – Anyone with connections to Events (sporting, theatre, Television) or Restaurants, Services (interior Design, Art, landscaping) please contact please contact Anna Denoyer at
Planning is now underway for the second Darien House Tour: Homes with Heart which will take place on June 2nd with a celebratory after party on June 3rd. Proceeds will benefit Darien’s Thriving Youth Initiative, The Community Fund of Darien’s new program that seeks to address the issues of youth mental health in our community, as well as approximately 20 other local non-profit organizations. We are looking for fabulous donations for our silent auction!!! Please contact Heather Raker ( or Anna Denoyer (, if you can assist with this event. Next meeting date for the Committee is Weds. January 20th, 2016 – 9:30am, Parish Hall. Please join us!
The Board of Christian Outreach thanks you for your support!
Gayle Appleby, Lindsay Atha, Tracey Berry, Yvette Borecki, Anna Denoyer, Joanne Gabriel, Lora Grassilli, Vince Hough, Annette Madden-Kline, Wendy Mulligan, Heather Raker, Charlie Wetmore