February 5, 5:00-7:00pm
Please join us for the 1st Annual Men’s Cookoff! Bring your appetites and scorecards as the gentleman of FCC bring their tastiest recipes for an all-family Sunday Supper on February 5th from 5:00-7:00pm in Parish Hall. The men will provide the main dishes and we are looking for volunteers to sign-up to bring sides, salads and desserts. Please click here to RSVP and sign-up to bring something. And feel free to bring a bottle of wine to share with friends at supper.
Gentleman of FCC—please let us know if you would like to enter the cook-off! Please contact Brad Westbrook (bradford.westbrook@gmail.com) or Andy Huntington (andreaatkinson101@hotmail.com) for more information. Competitors will be asked to bring a main dish to Parish Hall. Main dishes must be fully—cooked and ready to serve 15-20 people. There will be prizes!