Wednesdays, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Bring your lunch and join Anthony for a read-through of the Gospel of Mark — which is filled with all sorts of intriguing, provocative stuff! You don’t need to know anything about the bible to participate; sometimes, the less we know, the more interesting our questions are! You also don’t need to commit to come every week. There will be a passage to read in advance (which should take you about 5-10 minutes ); you can find this in the bulletin and the Flash every week. Read it, and make a mental note of anything that doesn’t make sense to you, or that you want to know more about. We’ll talk through the questions that come up for us, and Anthony will weave in some historical info and spiritual thoughts to help us deepen our understanding and our faith. If you’re around Darien during the day, drop in and check it out! We meet in the Conference Room (in the administrative wing of the church).
Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. on Zoom
This midweek, lay-led group debriefs and discusses the scripture and the sermon from the previous Sunday’s service.
It’s an open, drop-in friendly get-together on Zoom. You can get the login info from the church office.