United Church of Christ
I am excited about being present with the members and friends of The First Congregational Church of Darien on January 22. I will be preaching on 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 which a familiar passage from Paul that affirms that we in the church are all a part of the Body of Christ. There are many gifts and many members but we are all one in Christ.
My sermon title is “Toward a More Interdependent Way”. In my experience, in the United Church of Christ, my entire life I have learned that most churches are very good at independence. That spirit is part and parcel of who we are. We are also part of a larger covenant community and in truth we all need one another.
I will be sharing with you the vision of the Connecticut Conference that has at its core the message of Jesus from John 17:21 where Jesus prays, “that they may all be One.” I look forward to worshipping with you and bringing the morning message.
In faith,
Below is a Bio of Reverend Kent Siladi:
Rev. Siladi began his duties as Conference Minister in July of 2013. Prior to that time he was the Conference Minister of the United Church of Christ in Florida for six years. He was on the Conference staff of this Conference for 10 years, serving as a Regional Minister. He also was a local church pastor for sixteen years serving two churches in the Connecticut Conference (Brookfield and North Guilford).
Rev. Siladi has been involved in all of the settings of the United Church of Christ. He has served in the local church as pastor, in the Association setting as a member of a Committee on Ministry, in the Conference setting as staff and in the national setting as a participant in the UCC History, Theology and Polity Network. He chaired the General Synod 25 Nominating Committee and was the host Conference Minister for General Synod 28 in Tampa. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Cornerstone Fund. He is the Treasurer of the Council of Conference Ministers. He is one of the writers of the UCC “Affirming Faith” Confirmation curriculum and has written for various faith-based periodicals. He served as the co-chair of the Search Committee that selected the Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer as the General Minister and President of the UCC.
As Conference Minister his primary responsibilities include offering a ministry of leadership and relationship, communicating the mission and ministry of the Connecticut Conference, providing programmatic and Conference staff oversight, assuring business and financial oversight and representing the Connecticut Conference to the wider church.
Rev. Siladi is a graduate of Nasson College and Yale Divinity School.