March 22nd, 2020
Children’s Lesson Bulletins
Can be downloaded and printed!
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Supplies Needed:
10-20 plastic cups (half upside down and half standing up)
Gather your kids and place the cups in the middle of the floor, half upside down and half standing up. Assign each child as team “UP” or team “DOWN”.
At “Go”, each team will attempt to turn as many of the cups in the direction of their team name. In about 30 seconds, say “Count!” to indicate the end of the game.
Count how many cups are up and how many are down. The team with the most cups facing their direction wins.
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[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONLQeCWcxAY” el_width=”20″ el_aspect=”43″][vc_column_text]1 minute meditation. Students can lie on the floor, close their eyes, or sit cross-legged. We want them to think about “peaceful places” during this time. Use the music link above!
SAY: Create a beautiful, peaceful place in your mind. Maybe you are making a beach with birds and waves. Maybe a forest with fairies and fireflies.
What kind of food is in your special place?
Who is there with you?
God is there with you. What does that feel like?
Is it light or dark? What does the weather feel like?
Are there animals there? Are they the same as last week?
After a few minutes of meditation, students are encouraged to share what they thought about during the silence. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_zigzag color=”peacoc”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
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Love: Actions, words and thoughts that show we care.
How has God showed love to us?
How do you show love to others?
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If you are comfortable, light a real candle and pass it carefully around from child to child as they share their God Sightings.
[SAY]: Let’s do our God Sightings! This candle represents that God sightings light up the world with love. A God Sighting is something you see or do that reminds you of God’s love. Make sure your God Sighting includes God’s Love! [Start by sharing your God Sighting and allow others to share]
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Discuss the questions from the story:
- When did you recently have to ask for help?
- How did having to ask for help make you feel?
- Did you get the help you needed? How did it make you feel?
As you heard, today’s story is about someone who turned to Jesus for help.
Do you know what a centurion was? A centurion was a soldier in charge of other soldiers. The man who asked Jesus for help was a centurion. In Jesus’ time, the Roman Empire ruled many territories, including where Jesus lived. Roman soldiers of the empire lived in all of the towns and villages to make sure no one else tried to take over the countries where the Romans ruled. The centurion was a very important person, but he also believed in Jesus. The Roman soldiers didn’t usually follow Jesus, but this one did.
In hard times, there are many people who can help us. Doctors, teachers, nurses, police, firemen and women, and our parents help us. Many people turn to God for help, too. We are turning to God for help as we are all learning to adjust to different lives where we don’t go to grocery stores very much, we don’t go out to restaurants, we don’t go out to get our haircut, and we don’t go to our church building. Instead, we are learning to do things a different way, with God’s help.
We aren’t the only ones. Think of someone famous or powerful that you know about. Who did you choose? (allow for answers) Did you know that they also have to stay at home too, just like you? They also have troubles, sicknesses, and hurts. They also have to ask for help. Everyone has to ask for help sometimes.
The centurion in our story was famous and powerful. But he knew that Jesus helps all people, and he turned to Jesus for help. We can, too.
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SAY: Let’s act out the story we just heard. Jesus went to visit the people in a town called Capernaum. (walk in place) When he arrived, a large crowd was waiting to see him. (wave arms all around and up and down, like you are trying to see a celebrity through a large crowd!) A soldier, called a centurion, hurried toward Jesus. (run in place) The centurion was a powerful man. (Make muscles with your biceps!) “Jesus, I need your help,” the centurion said. (stretch out both arms in front and lean forward) “My servant is sick. I believe you can heal him.” (nod head and cross hands over heart) Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s faith: he was amazed that the centurion believed that Jesus could help. (Jump up and down) Jesus said to the centurion, “Go home! Your servant is no longer sick.” (run in place) The centurion rushed home, where he found his servant healed. (Jump up and down!) [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_zigzag color=”peacoc”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
Supplies Needed:
Scissors 2. Print-Outs below 3. Markers and crayons
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Choose a helper’s hat, and print and color it to wear for the day! Remember that Jesus is the best helper of all!
Right click the picture you want to download and save it to your computer. Enlarge it in a document and print it on a full sheet of paper! Or follow the designs to make your own!
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What would you do if you heard someone cry out, “HELP!” (allow for answers)
One of the first things you’d have to do is find an adult. You would also have to find out what kind of help that person needs. Name some times that people might need help. (allow for answers)
Now, let’s think about help in another way. I’m going to name some situations that you might get into. Then you tell me whom you would go to if you needed help.
Whom would you go to if you broke your arm?
What if you needed help with math?
What if you heard a strange noise at night?
What if you didn’t understand a bible story?[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_zigzag color=”peacoc”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
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Dear Jesus,
Thank you for helpers.
Thank you for doctors, nurses, scientists, and ambulance drivers,
Police officers and brave firefighters;
Teachers and pastors and lots of friends
Parents and grandparents – bless all of them.
Thank you for helpers everywhere.
And thank you, Jesus, for hearing every prayer and being the most incredible helper of all!