[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]An old tradition is back! Come before or after the 10:00 service on Sunday, November 19 to shop for things to enhance your Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. The Fair is put on by the Women’s Association.
We will have your favorite offerings:
- Bake Sale
- Jewelry Table
- Raffle for some beautiful wreathes and other holiday items
- Jumble Sale
- Dove Box Sign Up
- Cabot Cheddar Cheese for sale
- Craft, Knitting and Crochet creations
- Wonderful Bakery Bread from Beldotti’s bakery
- Table Floral arrangements
We need your help to make this a success. Please think about what you can contribute. We are collecting contributions for the Jewelry and Jumble sales in boxes at the front of the stage in Parish Hall. (Jumble items are used household items that are small (think toaster size or less). If you are baking or making soup or other savories, put some in the freezer to contribute to the Bake Sale.
We will be making craft and food items for the Fair. Watch for dates for crafting mornings. Also, Wednesday, November 8 we will be making quiches to sell at the Fair. This is our “Nite Owls” night so we’ll bake quiche and then eat some for dinner.
More details, dates and order forms will follow.
Debbie Nelson[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]