What a special Sunday coming up this weekend, Mother’s Day! This year, in particular, I’m excited for Mother’s Day because my wife is celebrating her first. She is an AMAZING mom. Over the past six months I’ve grown a deeper love, respect and admiration for both my wife and my mom.
Recently I spoke at Noroton Presbyterian Church for a group called “Mother’s of Preschoolers” also known as, (MOPS). With approximately 75 mothers in attendance I was excited to remind them all, as I am every mother at our church, that you are real life superheroes. In addition, I used a great article from CBN entitled: Six Amazing Moms in the Bible, to give life to some incredible moms from scripture, here are four examples:
1. EVE: The Original Mother — more specifically, of Cain, Abel, and Seth (and several unnamed others)
I guess if we are to commence in chronological order we would have to begin with Eve, the mother of us all. We can learn a lot from Eve especially about overcoming heartache. Her sons were involved in the first homicide (without Nintendo and violence on TV to blame it on). She was the first mom to have to bury her child.
2. SARAH: Mother of Isaac
This is the mom who gives hope to everyone who waited a little late to get started on the Mommy Track. Not that she didn’t try; her womb was just on a different biological clock. God made a promise to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. This led Sarah to the logical conclusion that she would be the mother of many nations. Sarah is a sister who could laugh at her late start with motherhood knowing that good things come to those who wait. Sarah was about 90 or 91 years of age when she gave birth!
3. REBEKAH: Mother of Jacob and Esau
For every mom who has ever had the temptation to play favorites with her children, pay attention to Rebekah. She didn’t just play favorites, she schemed and connived and was an accessory to one of the biggest Daddy Dupes in all of history. Rebekah reminds us that it is a dangerous thing to use maternal power for manipulation.
4. MARY: Mother of Jesus
Mary, mother of Jesus Christ the Messiah, certainly had the favor of God. She gave birth to the divine Gift of heaven. But, as any mother knows, all gifts come with some work attached especially when we see Mary at the crucifixion. Disciples may scatter, followers may be in hiding, but a mother stays when the rest of the world walks away. In fact, Mary is a rich tapestry of real motherhood: a lot of excitement followed by years of work and moments of intense pain. But through it all, mothers are there.
I look forward to celebrating our faith together this Sunday. God bless you and stay passionate!
Rev. Gary M. Morello