This section of the website is for Members of the First Congregational Church of Darien.
Church Directory
CLICK HERE to access the Online Directory (BREEZE)
Please be sure you are in the online directory and your info is up to date! This is our primary means of keeping in touch as a church community, and it is especially important while we have not been able to meet in the meetinghouse. Please note that this members-only directory is password-protected and you must have a user account to access the information.
We use this directory and the Breeze system to send out our weekly news and updates, as well as the online bulletin each Sunday morning. Please let us know if you are not receiving these emails. The church office and the pastor also use it to contact members and volunteers by mail.
This directory will be important for everyone to know who’s who. Don’t forget to add or update your photos. We want to see your smiling faces!
If you are a church member, please log in to the online directory and check/update your contact information. You must have previously logged in and set up an account to access the directory.
If you need help accessing BREEZE or updating your account, please contact Karen Linder.
Make a Pledge
Please CLICK HERE to make your pledge
Give By Mail or Online
If you would like to make a gift to the church, or pay your pledge, you may give online, in person, or by mail.
To Give online, click here.
Please send checks to:
First Congregational Church of Darien
14 Brookside Road
Darien, CT 06820
Sign Up for the FCC Darien Flash
If you are in the directory, you should be receiving the FCC Darien FLASH each Thursday, plus special announcements regarding upcoming events, and Today’s Service with the Order of Worship each Sunday morning. We are also sending a new newsletter, A Light Shines in the Darkness, during the time we are not gathering in the meetinghouse. If you have not been receiving either of these publications, please contact Communications to be added to the list.