Music in Worship

It’s been said that “to sing is to pray twice.” And so we do a lot of it! We sing the great, oldie-but-goodie hymns that generations of Christians have sung before us – Amazing Grace, It Is Well with My Soul, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God – as well as new, modern hymns which give voice to our 21st-century faith.

Our singing is supported by a big, magnificent organ that can shake the building! On any given Sunday, you might also hear piano, violin, trumpet, oboe, guitar, a jazz combo – and more!
Singing and making music together feels good. And we have fun with it! We’ll sometimes pass out hand instruments to kids and let them enrich our worship with a cacophony of praise! The more joyful participation, the better!

Music Ensembles
Our choir is always happy to welcome in new singers! They rehearse on Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. and lead worship during our 10 a.m. Sunday services. You don’t need to commit to come and sing every week, just whenever it works for you; we know life can get a little crazy!
Can’t swing a weeknight rehearsal? We have a number of ‘Show Up and Sing’ opportunities on Sundays this summer: just come to church a little early to learn an easy song for that day’s service – simple as that! All are welcome, whether you’ve sung in choirs before or only ever sing in the shower!
Our children learn fun and silly songs during Kidventures and share them with the congregation during worship.
We also have a bell choir that performs at special services throughout the year.
Community Music
Our musicians offer a number of special, seasonal concerts, including a popular Christmas event with the Tudor Singers of Darien High School.