It’s good to remember always that we exist as a local church in covenant with the wider United Church of Christ. I was pleasantly reminded of that by a letter from our Conference Minister, Kent Siladi. He said their Hartford staff is praying for the First Congregational Church, U.C.C. of Darien throughout the month of May:
“Dear Dale,
‘I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.’ Eph 1.16
This month the staff of the United Church of Christ in Connecticut will be praying for your congregation and its leadership. This long-standing practice is one way that we are reminded of the ties that bind us together in the covenant that we share as God’s people gathering in this time and in our respective places.
If you have specific prayers that we can lift up for the church and its leadership, please let me know. I would also welcome your prayers for our Conference in your public prayers in worship. As we move to a time of new beginnings, we need all of the prayers we can get! Our mutual ministries are sustained knowing that we are holding one another in prayer. For we cannot do this ministry alone.
We are grateful for your witness and ministry. Our prayers for you are steadfast and give thanks for the privilege that is ours to be in this covenantal relationship with you. May God’s abundant blessing be upon you in these days and always.
The Rev. Kent Siladi
CT Conference Minister”
The importance the wider UCC’s support will become more obvious as we seek out our new associate minister…So I wrote Kent back with three prayer requests:
- for our search for an associate pastor, focusing upon youth and young families. Believing it is our destiny, we try to become a multiple-pastoral-staff church again after the setbacks of 2008–a great recession which disproportionately affected us–and 2010—troubles around pastoral transitions, causing some hard feelings.
- for our work rebuilding our home, 11 Brookside Road, soon to be anointed the Evans Center, honoring Ron and Janet Evans. We rebuild the home to house our new associate, provide our youth needed space and offer another meeting room.
- for our mission trips, our annual summer youth mission trip to western Maryland and also for an adult Habitat for Humanity Global Village Work Trip to Costa Rica
This Sunday is Pentecost, celebrating the infusion of God’s Spirit, helping us do what we cannot do alone, also celebrating the confirmation of our Sam Gleason