Various steadfast volunteers have given enormous amounts of time and energy to think through how we conduct our outdoor services, Zoom times together, tech, offering, and much more. Due to their efforts, we have been able to enjoy a smooth groove with our Sunday morning summer services. The services are typically shorter with a more laid-back style. We know what to expect.
Since we have several special Sunday morning services coming our way, I wanted to dedicate a Flash explaining what to expect since they slightly interrupt our summer grove. These services will contain additional elements and will most likely be longer than previous services. Services are still at 9am.
- August 30th: Confirmation Sunday! We will celebrate the culmination of the work done by our Confirmands, hear some faith statements, and offer this class membership into our community. Notice that the Order of Worship will contain numerous responsive readings for particular parties.
- September 6th: First Communion & First Bible Sunday! Our class of rising 4th graders will partake in their delayed 3rd grade communion with their families, blessed by Rev. Rosenberger, and will also receive their first Bibles as 4th graders.
- September 13th: Homecoming Sunday! Our formal kick-off and celebration for another year of worshipping together. There are murmurs of special music.
- September 20th: Rev. Rosenberger’s final Sunday! Our beloved Pastor Dale is retiring both from our community and from over four decades of professional ministry. Dale will be delivering his final sermon and we will offer some fond farewells. Please set aside some extra time that day to be part of the service and the festivities— be on the lookout for a special flash in the coming days with more specifics.
That covers it for now! I hope that all of you are finding peace. You are held in my constant prayer and attention. Blessings to you all!