FCC is hosting our 2nd annual Preschool VBS! Join us for a 3 day incredible adventure exploring God’s mighty power! Crafts, songs, games, Bible stories and much, much more! Monday, June 15th through Wednesday, June 17th Ages: 3-5 (potty-trained) *open to church members only through May 29th Cost: $45 for the week and an hour or two of your time! Where: FCC at 14 Brookside Road. Register: https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/FCCPreschoolVBS If it brings you to a page to register VBS Pro, just X it out and you will be at the page! For more information or to volunteer contact Kate Nelson at KNelson@uccdarien.org *For an older crowd at VBS, we are working in conjunction with St. Paul’s where they will be offering VBS from June 22-26 for ages 3 through Grade 5. For more information please check out our website or at www.stpaulsdarien.org.