Dear Congregation,
I am happy to announce that the First Congregational Church of Darien voted today to call the Rev. Anthony Weisman as our next Settled Senior Minister, starting Monday, February 21.
The vote came after Anthony preached a “candidating” worship service to a congregation totaling at least 175 people in person and online. This was followed by a members-only congregational meeting at which we questioned him on a wide range of topics and then closely interrogated the search committee on the search process.
For those of you who were unable to watch, the candidating sermon is available to view by clicking here.
Over the next six weeks, the church’s leadership will be working with Anthony to make sure he is able to hit the ground running on Feb. 21. His first worship service with us will be Sunday, February 27, after which we will launch into Lent.
We will also be planning a farewell celebration for our Interim Senior Minister Rev. Denise Terry, who helped prepare us for the search. Denise’s last Sunday with us will be February 6.
You will be hearing more about the upcoming transition in future communications, but on this Sunday we simply thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to move among us today.
Blessings to everyone,
Gary Holmes