Open to all Church women, the Women’s Association is a collection of small group ministries tailored to the needs of the women of The First Congregational Church of Darien. In the past, we sponsored the Fall Fair, the Christmas Luncheon, the Darien Antiques Show, and other social and fundraising events. The Women’s Association has also help launch important local nonprofit organizations including At Home In Darien.
Funds raised by the Women’s Association have been used to help purchase furniture, beautify the church grounds, underwrite Youth Mission Trips, make donations to worthy causes, and help pay for other church needs.
Ever-evolving, we are currently seeking a possible new identity and new leadership, without losing any our current small groups and ministries. Interested? Please contact the Church Moderator or the Nominating Committee.
Current ministries and activities:
The Memorial Services Reception Committee coordinates and works with volunteers to provide help and comfort to church families and friends during times of bereavement by providing receptions after funerals and memorial services. The receptions are simple, in keeping with the Puritan traditions of our church. If you would like more information or would like to arrange for a reception, please contact our church administrator at (203) 655-0491.
Garden Angels (formerly Green Goddesses) is a group whose ministry is the care and beautification of the church’s grounds. We work closely with Stewards and hold an all-church, volunteer beautification project every spring. (Link to recent church beautification project photos.)
The Memorial Garden Committee, chaired by Wyn Lydecker, oversees the garden’s care, and using proceeds from the Memorial Garden Endowment Fund, works with the church’s staff, landscaping company, and other professionals to ensure proper maintenance through all seasons.(link to Memorial Garden)
Knitting Ministry is organized by Lou Converse. The group knits or crochets shawls and Afghans to give to church members in times of need, and baby blankets to give to children baptized in our care. They meet regularly and are happy to teach anyone how to knit or crochet.
Classics Book Group meets monthly to discuss a book written at least 50 ago. Any church member of any gender is welcome to join. Contact Sally Bassler, if you are interested.
Nite Owls is our monthly fellowship group that has a long-standing tradition of meeting at church or members’ homes for dinner each month. The focus is pure fellowship with no agenda, other than enjoying each other’s company. Women take turns planning, cooking, and hosting the dinners. All women of the church are welcome. This activity has been on hold during the pandemic. Anyone who would like to reignite it, just do it! Contact Wyn Lydecker or Kathy Monro for background.
Day Wings is run by Sally Bassler, who gathers together those women of the Congregation who prefer not to come out at night. Sally organizes lunch and some entertainment for the group. If you’d like to help Sally set up and plan events, or attend, let her know. This group has also suspended its ministry during the pandemic.