Isn’t it great to have our Senior Choir back after the summer break? Isn’t it exciting to hear talk of a new Bell Choir forming? Frankly, if we knew how essential our choir is to our life as a congregation,
World Communion Sunday
WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY World Communion Sunday offers us a special opportunity to know ourselves and experience Holy Communion in the context of the global community of faith. The first Sunday of October is when Christians in every culture break
Jazz Sunday, Sept 7
“When the Saints Go Marching in” “Standing the Need of Prayer”
How does ISIS recruit? I wonder about this dark army. On what basis do they attract trainees to affiliate with their mayhem? It seems like an impossible case to make. It isn’t. Roger Cohen wrote in the Times that 500-800
Welcome Back Sunday
Welcome Back Sunday isn’t a church calendar fixture year like Easter or Pentecost. But the Old Testament’s most compelling story is Israel’s search for their home, the place where God wanted them, having been liberated from slavery. Retelling that story