We are at that pivotal moment in the year when the children return to school, the caregiving parent ensconces into the home routine to propel the family forward, and the providing parent returns to the job routine–all with a vengeance.
So What Do You Do?
The Statue of Liberty evokes our loftiest ideals, the history of how 99% of us arrived here, and how America became what it is. Driving between Detroit and New Haven in divinity school days late at night when traffic was
Book Signing – October 25
Whenever anyone asks for feedback as they ponder entering the ordained ministry, I ask three questions. First, do you have the heart for it? Through your varied experiences has God touched you in a way leading you to believe he
Last week I was in Vermont with a pastor friend who has moved from the pulpit to academia. “How often do you preach these days, Dale?” he asked, jolting me a bit. I paused, calculated, and replied, “About 47 times
Resident Aliens
The goal of a thriving church is to transform lives, remaking us in God’s image. You can tell churches that are truly alive because we see signs of transformation. For this to happen, we venture outward beyond our solitary selves,
Markers and Milestones
This Sunday is Church School Sunday. Pulling this together has been a challenge for our Kate Nelson. But it promises to be special as our children interpret Jesus walking on water, the ascension, and doubting Thomas. Our attraction to this